Homeschoolers: Which Way To Go?

June 3, 2010

Mid-Week Links

Copyright Eileen Lian

Copyright Eileen Lian

For homeschoolers in Malaysia, a big question is which route to take to get a place in college or university. David Tan speaks with the CEO of Life College in Malaysia and explains the different options available to homeschoolers here. David also looks at the way homeschooling has gained in popularity and shares with readers his own experience.

This article gives a few suggestions for reversing the educational decline. Among them: remember that reading is half of everything and the next most important goal is arithmetic; knowledge is king; talk to homeschooling parents to find out what they are doing.

When a US lifestyle magazine issued an online decree that breastfeeding mothers at top restaurants should feed their babies in the toilet, hundreds of irate mums in New Zealand pounced on the article. Most of these mothers thought the writer should go and have her lunch in the toilet. It is every mother’s right to breastfeed in public in New Zealand.

We should accept breastfeeding in any area, public or private, and those who still aren’t satisfied by discreet feedings can simply look the other way. More here on the issue of public breastfeeding. And a breastfeeding mum in Tampa, Florida has a run-in with the county school board over breastfeeding her two year-old in the office of an elementary school.

Exercise is one of the best ways to ease pregnancy discomfort, according to medical experts, fitness trainers and fit mamas. So get off that couch and hit the gym!

What is a parent’s ‘proper’ role? Listen, Listen, Listen! Listening leads to talking, which leads to relationship. When we have a relationship with someone, that is the only time we can influence their decisions.

The first step to becoming a better parent is to let go of our fear of damaging our children. We need far less advice. We have too much advice. Our kids will probably be fine.

It’s never too early to inculcate a love for reading in your child. This is an ad but, hey, it’s good.

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